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Study for the preparation and the administration of pharmaceutical forms based on Cannabis for the medical use

01/01/2017 - 31/12/2020
Paola Brusa
Massimo Collino

Aree / Gruppi di ricerca

Partecipanti al progetto

Descrizione del progetto


Dept. of Drug Science and Technology: Dr.B. Iozzino (research grant), Dr. I. De Pellegrini (research grant), Dr. I. Pignata (research grant)

Prof. R.Torta (professor), Dept. of Neuroscienze

Prof. A. D'Avolio, Dept. of Scienze Mediche

Dr. M. Simiele, (research grant), Dept. of Scienze Mediche

Members of other units:

Dr. A. De Luca, Struttura Complessa “Terapia del Dolore e Cure Palliative” at Azienda ospedaliero-universitaria “Città della salute e della scienza” of Turin


According to the Regional law of Piedmont Region, number 11 of the June 15th 2015 “Uso terapeutico della canapa. Disposizioni in materia di utilizzo di farmaci cannabinoidi per finalità terapeutiche e promozione della ricerca e di azioni sperimentali prodromiche alla produzione da parte di soggetti autorizzati”, in particular to the article number 7 which reported that the Region promotes the scientific research finalized to the clinical study of the efficacy of the cannabis in the neurological, chronic inflammatory, degenerative, autoimmune and psychiatric diseases and to the improvement of the pain management and of the terminal care as well as the research projects on the palliative care and the pain management presented by the research institutes, privates or universities, with particular attention to those ones which are developed with the involvement of the hospital facilities present in the region, a multi departmental working group was established with the following aims:

  • to perform formulation studies to optimize the administration of medical Cannabis on the basis of the treated patients;
  • to conduct clinical studies to evaluate the therapeutic efficacy of medical Cannabis even in pathologies that are different from the D.M. 9/11/2015 and subsequent amendments and additions

In this context, at the Department of Scienza e Tecnologia del Farmaco, experimental tests on different pharmaceutical forms for oral use are ongoing, with the purpose of optimizing the administration of medical Cannabis.  The studied galenic preparations will be firstly administrated within the framework of clinical studies that are actually in planning stage.

Generally, however, the optimization of the pharmaceutical forms for the administration of medical Cannabis will have the twin advantage of facilitating the hospital and community pharmacist in the preparation of the galenic formulations prescribed by the medical doctor and of increasing the probability of adherence to the therapy in the treated patients.

Keywords: Medical Cannabis, galenic medicines, formulation study, clinical trials


Ultimo aggiornamento: 04/08/2017 15:23
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