Giancarlo Cravotto
Professore/Professoressa ordinario/a
- Dipartimento di Scienza e Tecnologia del Farmaco
- SSD: CHIM/06 - chimica organica
- 011 670 7183
- 349 306 2235
- 011 670 7162
- via Pietro Giuria 9, 10125 Torino
- VCard contatti
- Department of Drug Science and Technology
- Dipartimento di Scienza e Tecnologia del Farmaco
- Corsi di studio in
Farmacia - Chimica e tecnologia farmaceutiche - Corso di Laurea Magistrale in Scienze e tecnologie alimentari - STAL
- Master Program in Molecular Biotechnology
- Dottorato in Scienze Farmaceutiche e Biomolecolari
Curriculum vitae
- Chimica Organica (Farmacia) - Corso A (Cognomi A-G) (FAR0052)
Corsi di studio in
Farmacia - Chimica e tecnologia farmaceutiche - Metodologie di sviluppo di processo farmaceutico (STF0028)
Corsi di studio in
Farmacia - Chimica e tecnologia farmaceutiche
Temi di ricerca
List and description of international scientific cooperations
List and description of national scientific collaborations.
408) Calcio Gaudino, E.; Colletti, A.; Grillo, G.; Tabasso, S.; Cravotto, G. “Emerging Processing Technologies for the Recovery of Valuable Bioactive Compounds from Potato Peels” Foods 2020, 9, 1598.
409) Moran, M.J.; Martina, K.; Stefanidis, G.D.; Jordens, J.; Van Gerven, T.; Goovaerts, V.; Manzoli, M.; Groffils, C.; Cravotto, G. “Glycerol: an optimal hydrogen source for microwave-promoted Cu-catalyzed transfer hydrogenation of nitrobenzene to aniline” Front. Chem. 2020, 8, 34.
doi: 10.3389/fchem.2020.00034
410) Fu, X.; Belwal, T.; Cravotto, G.; Luo, Z. “Sono-physical and sono-chemical effects of ultrasound: Primary applications in extraction and freezing operations and influence on food components” Ultrason. Sonochem. 2020, 60, 104726.
411) Cintas, P.; Tabasso, S.; Veselov, V.V.; Cravotto, G. “Alternative reaction conditions: enabling technologies in solvent-free protocols” Curr. Opinion Green Sust. Chem. 2020, 21, 44-49.
412) Ferreira, D.F.; Lucas, B.N.; Voss, M.; Santos, D.; Mello, P.A.; Wagner, R.; Cravotto, G.; Barin, J.S. “Solvent-free simultaneous extraction of volatile and non-volatile antioxidants from rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis L.) by microwave hydrodiffusion and gravity” Ind. Crops & Prod. 2020, 145, 112094.
413) Belwal, T.; Li, L.; Xu, Y; Cravotto, G.; Luo, Z. “Ultrasonic-assisted modifications of macroporous resin to improve anthocyanin purification from a Pyrus communis var. Starkrimson extract.” Ultrason. Sonochem. 2020, 62, 104853.
414) Cravotto, G.; Cravotto, E.; Chemistry in medicine, from sobrero and nobel to the challenges of the third millennium (Lectures of the Nobel Week 2019). Journal of Pediatric and Neonatal Individualized Medicine 2020; 9(1):e090109
doi: 10.7363/090109.
415) Grillo, G.; Menegazzo, F.; Tabasso, S.; Signoretto, M.; Manzoli, M.; Cravotto, G. “New insights on the dynamic role of the protecting agent on the reactivity of supported gold nanoparticles” ChemCatChem 2020, 12, 1-12.
DOI: 10.1002/cctc.201902061
416) Krishnan, S.; Ghani, N.A.; Aminuddin, N.F.; Quraishi, K.S., Azman, N.S.; Cravotto, G.; Leveque, J.-M. “Microwave Assisted Lipid Extraction from Chlorella vulgaris with Imidazolium based Ionic Liquid as an Additive” Renewable Energy 2020, 149, 244-252.
417) An, X; Wu, Z.; Yu, J.; Cravotto, G.; Liu, X.; Li, Q.; Yu, B. “Copyrolysis of Biomass, Bentonite, and Nutrients as a New Strategy for the Synthesis of Improved Biochar-Based Slow-Release Fertilizers” ACS Sustainable Chem. & Eng. 2020, 8 (8), 3181–3190.
418) Barge, A.; Baricco, F.; Cravotto, G.; Fretta, R.; Lattuada L. “Mechanochemistry applied to the synthesis of x-ray contrast agents” ACS Sust. Chem. & Eng. 2020, 8 (34), 12825–12830.
419) Mariatti, F.; Miletto, I.; Paul, G.; Marchese, L.; Tabasso, S.; Manzoli, M.; Cravotto, G.; Gianotti, E. “A smart use of biomass derivatives to template ad hoc hierarchical SAPO-5 acid catalyst” RSC Adv. 2020, 10, 38578.
DOI: 10.1039/d0ra06353c
420) Bosca, F.; Corazzari, I.; Foglietta, F.; Canaparo, R.; Durando, G.; Pastero, L.; Arpicco, S.; Dosio, F.; Zonari, D.; Cravotto, G.; Tagliapietra, S.; Serpe, L.; Turci, F.; Barge, A. “Highly efficient and selective porphyrin-SWCNT activation by ultrasound: a new model for sonodynamic application” RSC Advances 2020, 10, 21736-21744.
421) Henary, M.; Kananda, C.; Rotolo, L.; Brian, S.; Owens, E.; Cravotto, G.; “Benefits and Applications of Microwave-Assisted Synthesis of Nitrogen Containing Heterocycles in Medicinal Chemistry” RSC Advances 2020, 10, 14170-14197.
DOI: 10.1039/D0RA01378A
422) Abramova, A.V.; Bayazitov, V.M.; Fedulov, I.S.; Nikonov, R.V.; Sister, V.G.; Cravotto, G. “Influence of Acoustic Oscillations on the continuous-Flow Water Disinfection” Processes 2020, 8(10), 1259.
423) Grillo, G.; Gunjevic, V.; Radošević, K.; Radojčić Redovniković, I.; Cravotto, G. “Deep eutectic solvents and non-conventional technologies for blueberry peels extraction: kinetics, anthocyanins stability and antiproliferative activity”
Antioxidants 2020, 9, 1069.
424) Wu, Z.; Xue, Y.; He, Y.; Li, Y.; Wu, Z.; Cravotto, G. “Surfactants-assisted preparation of BiVO4 with novel morphologies via microwave method and CdS decoration for enhanced photocatalytic properties.” J. Hazard. Mat. 2020, 387, 122019.
425) Chemat, F.; Abert Vian, M.; Fabiano-Tixier, A.-S.; Nutrizio, M.; Jambrak, A.R.; Munekata, P.; Lorenzo, J.; Barba, F.J.; Binello, A.; Cravotto, G.; “A review of sustainable and intensified techniques for extraction of food and natural products” Green Chem. 2020, 22, 2325–2353.
DOI: 10.1039/c9gc03878g
426) Calcio Gaudino, E.; Acciardo, E.; Tabasso, S.; Manzoli, M.; Cravotto, G.; Varma R.S. “Cross-Linked Cyclodextrins Bimetallic Nanocatalysts: Applications in Microwave-Assisted Reductive Aminations” Molecules 2020, 25, 410.
427) Moran, M.J.; Martina, K.; Baricco, F.; Tagliapietra, S.; Manzoli, M.; Cravotto, G. “Tuneable copper catalysed transfer hydrogenation of nitrobenzenes to aniline or azo derivatives” Adv. Synth & Catal. 2020, 362, 1 –13.
DOI 10.1002/adsc.202000127
428) Panić, M.; Drakula, S.; Cravotto, G.; Verpoorte, R.; Hruškar, M.; Radojcic Redovnikovic, I.; Radosevic, K. “Biological activity and sensory evaluation of cocoa by-products NADEs extracts used in food fortification” Innov. Food Sci. and Emerg. Technol. 2020, 66, 102514.
429) Wu, Z.; Abramova, A.; Nikonovc, R.; Cravotto, G. “Sonozonation (sonication/ozonation) for the degradation of organic contaminants - a review” Ultrason. Sonochem. 2020, 68, 105195.
430) Calsolaro, F.; Martina, K.; Borfecchia, E.; Chávez-Rivas, F.; Cravotto, G.; Berlier, B. “β-cyclodextrin-silica hybrid: a spatially controllable anchoring strategy for Cu(II)/Cu(I) complex immobilization” Catalysts 2020, 10(10), 1118.
431) Menzio, J.; Binello, A.; Barge, A.; Cravotto G. “Highly-efficient caffeine recovery from green coffee beans under ultrasound-assisted supercritical CO2 extraction” Processes 2020, 8, 1062.
432) Soutelo-Maria, A.; Dubois, J.-L.; Couturier, J.-L.; Brebion, M.; Cravotto, G. “Regeneration of Raney®-Nickel Catalyst for the Synthesis of High-Value Amino-Ester Renewable Monomers” Catalysts 2020, 10, 229.
433) Ge, X.; Wu, Z.; Manzoli, M.; Wu, Z.; Cravotto, G. “Feasibility and Mechanism of Desorption of Phenolic Compounds from Activated Carbons” ACS Ind. Eng. Chem. Res. 2020, 59 (26), 12223–12231.
434) Belwal, T.; Chemat, F.; Venskutonis, P.R.; Cravotto, G.; Jaishwal, D.K.; Bhatt, I.D.; Devkota, H.P.; Luo, Z. “Recent advances in scaling-up of non-conventional extraction techniques: learning from successes and failures” TrAC Trends in Analytical Chemistry 2020, 127, 115895.
435) Jicsinszky, L.; Cravotto, G. “Cyclodextrins in Skin Formulations and Transdermal Delivery. A minireview” J. Skin and Stem Cell, 2020, (2019; 6(4):e102561; - May 2020)
doi: 10.5812/jssc.102561
436) Colletti, A.; Attrovio, A.; Boffa, L.; Mantegna, S.; Cravotto, G. “Valorisation of by-products from soybeans (Glycine max (L.) Merr.) processing” Molecules 2020, 25, 2129.
437) Tabasso, S.; Calcio Gaudino, E.; Acciardo, E.; Manzoli, M.; Bonelli, B.; Cravotto, G. “Microwave-Assisted Protocol for Green Functionalization of Thiophenes with a Pd/-Cyclodextrin Cross-Linked Nanocatalyst” Front. Chem. 2020, 8, 253.
doi: 10.3389/fchem.2020.00253
438) Razgonova, M.; Zakharenko, A.; Pikula, K.; Kim, E.; Chernyshev, V.; Cravotto, G.; Golokhvast, K. “Rapid mass spectrometric study of a supercritical CO2 -extract from woody liana Schisandra chinensis by HPLC-DAD-ESI-MS/MS” Molecules 2020, 25(11), 2689.
439) Carullo, G.; Mazzotta, S.; Cappello, A.R.; Frattaruolo, L.; Governa, P.; Biagi, M.; Sciubba, F.; Grillo, G.; Cravotto, G.; Aiello, F. “Mantonico and Pecorello grape seed oils: chemical characterization and evaluation of wound-healing and anti-inflammatory activities.” Pharmaceuticals 2020, 13, 97.
440) Binello, A.; Grillo, G.; Barge, A.; Allegrini, P.; Ciceri, D.; Cravotto, G. “A Cross-Flow Ultrasound-Assisted Extraction of Curcuminoids from Curcuma longa L.: Process Design to Avoid Degradation” Foods 2020, 9, 743.
441) Tagliapietra, S.; Binello, A.; Bucciol, F.; Trukhan, V.; Colia, M.; Cravotto, G. “Green Enabling Technologies for Competitive Synthesis of Pharmaceutical lead Compounds” Current Pharmaceutical Design 2020, 26 (44), 5700-5712.
DOI: 10.2174/1381612826999201116163951
442) Grillo, G.; Boffa, L.; Talarico, S.; Solarino, R.; Binello, A.; Cavaglià, G.; Bensaid, S.; Telysheva, G., Cravotto, G. “Batch and flow ultrasound-assisted extraction of grape stalks: process intensification design up to multi-kilo scale” Antioxidants 2020, 9, 730.
443) Bucciol, F.; Colia, M.; Calcio Gaudino, E.; Cravotto, G. “Enabling Technologies and Sustainable Catalysis in Biodiesel Preparation” Catalysts 2020, 10, 988.
444) Book: Design and optimization of innovative food processing techniques assisted by ultrasound, Edited by
- J. Barba, G. Cravotto, F. Chemat, J. M. Lorenzo, P. E.S. Munekata. Elsevier 2020 ISBN: 9780128182758.
445) Gunjević, V.; Radojčić Redovniković. I.; Stevanato, L.; Cravotto, G. “Combined ultrasound and microwave irradiation as an efficient technology for grape-stalk anthocyanin recovery” Int. J. of Green Technol. 2020, 6, 51-63.
446) Zuliani, A.; Cano, M.; Calsolaro, F.; Puente, S.; Alain, R.; Giner-Casares, J.; Rodriguez-Castellon, E.; Berlier, G.; Cravotto, G.; Martina, K.; Luque, R. “Improving the electrocatalytic performance of sustainable Co/Carbon materials for oxygen evolution reaction by ultrasound and microwave assisted synthesis” Sust. Energy & Fuels 2021, 5, 720-731.
447) Calcio Gaudino, E.; Cravotto, G.; Manzoli, M.; Tabasso, S. “Sono- and mechanochemical processes in the catalytic conversion of biomass” Chem. Soc. Rev. 2021, 50, 1785 – 1812.
DOI: 10.1039/d0cs01152e
448) Lauberte, L.; Telysheva, G.; Cravotto, G.; Andersone, A.; Janceva, S.; Dizhbite, T.; Arshanitsa, A.; Vevere, L.; Jurkjane, V.; Grillo, G.; Calcio Gaudino, E.; Tabasso, S. “Lignin – derived antioxidants as value-added products obtained under cavitation treatments of the wheat straw processing for sugar production” J. Cleaner Prod. 2021, 303, 126369.
449) Li, S.; Zhang, R.; Lei, D.; Huang, Y.; Zhu, Z.; Wu, Z.; Cravotto, G. “Innovative technologies impact on food components and their interactions: Ultrasound, microwaves and high-pressure physical treatments” Trends in Food Sci. Technol 2021, 109, 1-15.
450) Cravotto, G. and Cintas, P. “Primo Levi: A Frustrated Academic Chemist? - Insight in Hindsight” Chirality 2021, 33, 72–80.
DOI: 10.1002/chir.23287
451) Calcio Gaudino, E.; Canova, E.; Liu, P.; Wu, Z.; Cravotto, G. “Antibiotics degradation in wastewater: new advances in cavitational treatments” Molecules 2021, 26, 617.
452) Jicsinszky, L.; Martina, K.; Cravotto, G. “Cyclodextrins in the antiviral therapy” J. Drug Delivery Sci. and Technol. 2021, 64, 102589.
453) Mariatti, F.; Gunjević, V.; Boffa, L.; Cravotto, G. “Process intensification technologies for the recovery of valuable compounds from cocoa by-products” Innov. Food Sci. Emerg. Technol. 2021, 68, 102601.
454) Ge, X.; Wu, Z.; Manzoli, M.; Bonelli, B.; Mantegna, S.; Kunz, W.; Cravotto, G. “Adsorptive decontamination of antibiotics-spiked water and milk with commercial and modified activated carbons” J. Envir. Chem. Eng. 2021, 9(4), 105544.
455) Gunjević, V.; Grillo, G.; Carnaroglio, D.; Binello, A.; Barge, A.; Cravotto, G. “Microwave technology for the sequential extraction of terpenes, polyphenols and cannabinoids from Cannabis sativa L.” Ind. Crops & Prod. 2021, 162, 113247.
456) Abramov, V.O.; Abramova, A.V.; Cravotto, G.; Nikonov, R.V.; Fedulov, I.S.; Ivanov, V.K. “Flow-mode water treatment under simultaneous hydrodynamic cavitation and plasma discharge” Ultrason. Sonochem. 2021, 70, 105323.
457) Flores M. M., E.; Cravotto, G.; Bizzi, C.; Santos, D.; Iop, G. D. “Ultrasound-assisted biomass conversion to interesting industrial products: state-of-the-art, perspectives and challenges” Ultrason. Sonochem. 2021, 72, 105455.
458) Binello, A.; Cravotto, G.; Menzio, J.; Tagliapietra, S. “Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in coffee samples: processes enquiry and analytical methods” Food Chem. 2021, 344, 128631.
459) Book Chapter – Rosa, R.; Leonelli, C.; Cravotto, G. “Biomass processing via microwave treatment” Chapt. 10 p. 289-313, in Biomass Valorization: Sustainable Methods for the Production of Chemicals Book Ed.: Ravelli, D. and Samorì, C. 2021 WILEY‐VCH GmbH.
460) Binello, A.; Calegari, E.; Cravotto, G.; Menzio, J.; Tagliapietra, S.; Serito, B. “Phthalimide residue in coffee: does it solely derive from Folpet?” J. Agr. Food Chem. 2021, 69 (16), 4858–4864.
461) Book Chapter: Guccione, S.; Tomasella, C.; Binello, A.; Cravotto, G. “Therapeutically Valuable Bioactive Extracts from Mediterranean Plants: Green Technologies and Molecular Modelling for a Viable Endeavour” in Green Chemistry and Computational Chemistry: Shared Lessons in Sustainability. Ed. Mammino L. 2021, Elsevier, eBook ISBN: 9780323851824:
462) Wu, Z.; Liu, P.; Wu, Z.; Cravotto, G. “In situ modification of activated carbons by oleic acid with microwave heating to improve adsorptive removal of naphthalene in aqueous solutions” Processes 2021, 9, 391.
463) Book Chapter. Cravotto, G.; Martina, K.; Moran, M.J.; Cintas, P. Chapter 14. “Sonomechanochemistry” p. 467-510 in Advances in Green and Sustainable Chemistry: non-traditional activation methods in green and sustainable applications. Ed. By Torok B. & Shafer C. Elsevier. ISBN: 978-0-12-819009-8
464) Colletti, A.; Sangiorgio, L.; Martelli, A.; Testai, L.; Cicero, A.F.G.; Cravotto, G. “Highly active cranberry’s polyphenolic fraction: new advances in processing and clinical applications” Nutrients 2021, 13(8), 2546.
465) Abramova, A.V.; Abramov, V.O.; Bayzitov V.M.; Nikonov R.V.; Fedulov I.S.; Stevanato L.; Cravotto G. “Ultrasound-Assisted Cold Pasteurization in Liquid or SC-CO2” Processes 2021, 9, 1457.
466) Liu, P.; Wu, Z.; Abramova, A.V.; Cravotto, G. “Sonochemical processes for the degradation of antibiotics in aqueous solutions: a review”. Ultrason. Sonochem. 2021, 74, 105566.
467) Grillo, G.; Calcio Gaudino, E.; Rosa, R.; Leonelli, C.; Timonina, A.; Grygiškis, S.; Tabasso, S.; Cravotto, G.
“Green deep eutectic solvents for microwave-assisted biomass delignification and valorisation” Molecules 2021, 26, 798.
468) Moran, M.J.; Martina, K.; Vidmantas, B.; Baricco, F.; Tagliapietra, S.; De Borggraeve, W.; Cravotto, G.
“Copper nanoparticles an efficient catalyst for Z-Selective Transfer Semihydrogenation of Internal Alkynes” Adv. Synth. Catal. 2021, 363, 2850-2860.
469) Liu, X.; Wu, Z.; Cavalli, R.; Cravotto, G. “Sonochemical preparation of inorganic nanoparticles and nanocomposites for drug release – a review” ACS - Industr. & Eng. Chem. Res. 2021, 60(28), 10011-10032.
470) Li, S.; Lei, D.; Zhu, Z.; Manzoli, M.; Jicsinszky, L.; Grillo, G.; Gravotto, G. “Complexation of maltodextrin-based inulin and green tea polyphenols via different ultrasonic pretreatment” Ultrason. Sonochem. 2021, 74, 105568.
471) Colletti, A.; Li, S.; Marengo, M.; Adinolfi, S.; Cravotto, G. “Toward processes optimisation for highly active bromelain recovery and clinical application” Appl. Sci. 2021, 11, 8428.
472) Jicsinszky, L.; Bucciol, F.; Manzoli, M.; Cravotto, G. “Comparative studies of mechanochemically synthesized insoluble beta-cyclodextrin polymers” Curr. Org. Chem. 2021, 25(16), 1923-1936.
DOI: 10.2174/1385272825666210730105716
473) Giordano, M.; Renno, G.; Quagliotto, P.; Barolo, C.; Cravotto, G.; Fin, A.; Viscardi, G. “Solid-Phase Synthesis of Asymmetric Cyanine Dyes” Curr. Org. Chem. 2021, 25(15), 1739-1754.
DOI: 10.2174/1385272825666210628104642
474) Ferlin, F.; Valentini, F.; Sciosci, D.; Menzio, J.; Cravotto, G.; Martina, K.; Vaccaro, L. “Pd/β-CD as Hybrid Heterogeneous Catalyst for Environmentally Friendly Continuous Flow Sonogashira Cross-Coupling” Green Chem. 2021, 23(18), 7210-7218.
475) Martínez, R. F.; Cravotto, G.; Cintas, P. “Organic Sonochemistry-A Timely Chemist’s Perspective on Mechanisms and Reactivity” J. Org. Chem. 2021, 86 (20), 13833–13856.
476) Martina, K.; Cravotto, G.; Varma, R. S. “Impact of Microwaves on organic synthesis and strategies toward semi-industrial applications” J. Org. Chem. 2021, 86 (20), 13857–13872.
477) Verdini, F.; Calcio Gaudino, E.; Grillo, G.; Tabasso, S.; Cravotto, G. “Cellulose recovery from Agri-Food Residues by effective cavitational treatments” Applied Sci. 2021, 11(10), 4693.
478) Abramov, V.O.; Abramova, A.V.; Bayazitov, V.; Nikonov, R.; Cravotto, G. “Pores-free aluminium alloy by efficient degassing ultrasonic treatments” Appl. Acoustics 2021, 184, 108343.
479) Colletti, A.; Cravotto, G.; Citi, V.; Martelli, A.; Testai, L.; Cicero, A.F.G. “Advances in technologies for highly active Omega-3 from Krill oil and clinical applications” Marine Drugs 2021, 19, 306., 00
480) Lamberti, L.; Grillo, G.; Gallina, L.; Carnaroglio, D.; Chemat, F.; Cravotto, G. “Microwave-Assisted Hydrodistillation of Hop (Humulus lupulus L.) Terpenes: A Pilot-Scale Study” Foods 2021, 10, 2726.
481) Grillo, G.; Tabasso, S.; Solarino, R.; Cravotto, G.; Toson, C.; Ghedini, E.; Menegazzo, F.; Signoretto M. “From Seaweeds to Cosmeceutics: A Multidisciplinar Approach” Sustainability 2021, 13, 13443.
482) Grillo, G.; Manzoli, M.; Bucciol, F.; Tabasso, S.; Tabanelli, T.; Cavani, F.; Cravotto, G. “Hydrogenation of levulinic acid to γ-valerolactone via green microwave-assisted reactions either in continuous flow or solvent-free batch processes” Ind. Eng. Chem. Res. 2021, 60 (46), 16756–16768.
483) Bizzi, C.; Pedrotti, M.F.; Betiolo, D.M.; Nascimento, M.S.; Muller, E.I.; Cravotto, G.; Flores, E.M.M. “Development of an Eco-friendly Sample Preparation protocol for metals determination in food samples: Oxygen Pressurized Single Reaction Chamber using Diluted Nitric Acid” Analytical Methods, 2021, 13, 5555 - 5563.
484) Abramova, A.; Abramov V.O.; Fedulov, I.S.; Baranchikov, A.E.; Kozlov, D.A.; Veselova, V.O.; Kameneva, S.V.; Ivanov, V.K.; Cravotto, G. “Strong antibacterial properties of cotton fabrics surface coated with ceria nanoparticles under ultrasound” Nanomaterials. 2021, 11, 2704.
485) Jicsinszky, L.; Cravotto, G. “Toward a Greener World – Cyclodextrin Derivatization by Mechanochemistry” Molecules 2021, 26(17), 5193.
doi: 10.3390/molecules26175193.