Progetti di ricerca
BRAVE - Protecting the brain from COVID-19 mediated neurodegeneration through inflammasome inhibition
NODES - Nord Ovest Digitale E Sostenibile
SusWater_Sustainable integrated approach to achieve CECs and PTEs removal from contaminated waters. The aquaculture as case study
Debora Fabbri
Cristina Paganini
Cristina Varese
Paola Calza Sviluppo di uno strumento portatile per un veloce monitoraggio di mercurio e metilmercurio in acque naturali dolci e salate.
Effetti neuroprotettivi di oli essenziali in modelli di neurodegenerazione valutati mediante biosensori in diamante
TORAK - Un nuovo bersaglio terapeutico per i tumori resistenti alle cure tradizionali: AKR1C3 (TORAK)
COALA Contaminanti emergenti nei laghi prealpini nei laghi prealpini e alpini. Monitoraggio dei residui farmaceutici e del contenuto di filtri UV in acqua e sedimenti.
An Innovative Nanotechnology for Glioma Chemotherapy
VIPER - Learning a lesson: fighting SARS-CoV-2 Infection and get ready for other future PandEmic scenaRios
NanoLipid@NasalDevice: Nanocarriers lipidici nasali come device per la prevenzione e il trattamento di patologie cerebrovascolari
SERENDIPITi - Sviluppo di sensori per la determinazione delle diverse forme di ferro per la diagnosi precoce di patologie neurodegenerative
Sviluppo di nanomedicine per l’immunoterapia e la chemioterapia per il trattamento del glioblastoma
MILK-ZERO Effetti della gestione delle produzioni nell'azienda zootecnica sulla presenza di contaminanti nei prodotti lattiero-caseari: Studio di una filiera a residuo zero in Piemonte
Valorizzazione dei sottoprodotti enologici contenenti CELlulosa per la produzione di NUtraceutici e Acido LAttico
Sviluppo di sensori elettrochimici per la determinazione delle diverse forme di ferro per la diagnosi precoce di patologie neurodegenerative
SARS-CoV-2 e non solo: portare fino alla sperimentazione umana un candidato farmaco antivirale...
Carb-Q-4-Health: Tailored Carbohydrate Quality for Personalized Weight Management and Metabolic Health
SVAgO Hydrogen Sulfide in the Vascular inflamm-Aging: role, therapeutic Opportunities and development of novel
Inibitori dell’enzima DHODH quali nuovi antifungini contro il patogeno del riso Magnaporthe oryzae (RICE)
Sviluppo di tecnologie integrate
BioEnpro4To - Smart solutions for smart communities
STRATAGEM 4 GP New diagnostic and therapeutic tools against multidrug resistant tumors
NUTRAcore Piattattaforma integrata per lo sviluppo di processi innovativi
FarCoNano: Approcci farmacologici combinati e sistemi nanotecnologici quali promettenti strategie per il trattamento del melanoma metastatico.
REARM - resistenza antimicrobica: nuove strategie per combatterla
RIS 2°ANNO - New technologies implementation in RIS regions olive oil mills for healthier olive oil extraction
MISTICA - DeterMinazIone e Speciazione del mercurio in un kiT unICo e portAtile
Cannabis e Unito: le competenze accademiche al servizio della comunità per chiarirne i potenziali benefici
FARMAMET: Nuovi farmaci per le malattie neurodegenerative
Claims of Olive oli to iMProvE The markeT ValuE of the product - COMPETiTiVE
Valorization of Italian Olive products through Innovative analytical tools - VIOLIN
NACTUS: Nuove armi contro il tumore alla prostata refrettario alle terapie attuali
INTIMIC - HDHL INTIMIC-Knowledge Platform on food, diet, intestinal microbiomics and human health
STRATAGEM 3 G New diagnostic and therapeutic tools against multidrug resistant tumors
Fighting Neuroinflammation in Parkinson's Disease: development of NLRP3 inhibitors
Study for the preparation and the administration of pharmaceutical forms based on Cannabis for the medical use
Terra Sancta Museum
RIS 1°ANNO - New technologies implementation in RIS regions olive oil mills for healthier olive oil extraction
Sviluppo di innovativi inibitori della Diidroorotato Deidrogenase umana (hDHODH) quali antileucemici
Multi-task diamond chips for neuroscience
NEW AntIMicrobials to starve Superbugs (NEWAIMS)
COSMIC - European Training Network for Continuous Sonication and Microwave Reactors
Innovative Technological Approaches for validation of Salivary AGEs as novel biomarkers in evaluation of risk factors in diet-related diseases
SALIVAGES - Innovative Technological Approaches for validation of Salivary AGEs as novel biomarkers in evaluation of risk factors in diet-related diseases
STRATAGEM 2G New diagnostic and therapeutic tools against multidrug resistant tumors
GPR21: a new target for type 2 diabetes therapy?
MOOD - Molecular basis and tools for the pharmacological inhibition of the YAP-TEAD axis through the prolyl-isomerase Pin1 in cancer.
MOOD - Molecular basis and tools for the pharmacological inhibition of the YAP-TEAD axis through the prolyl-isomerase Pin1 in cancer.
Targeting early synaptic dysfunctions induced by alpha-synuclein as a novel therapeutic approach in Parkinson's disease
Idrogeli nanocompositi termosensibili
Community Pharmacy and mangement of fragile patients
GPR21 receptor as an innovative pharmacological target for type 2 diabetes
Multi-task diamond chips for neuroscience
Multi-task diamond chips for neuroscience
Ricerca e sviluppo di antitumorali attivi
US4GREENCHEM - Combined Ultrasonic and Enzyme treatment of Lignocellulosic Feedstock as Substrate for Sugar Based Biotechnological Applications (Horizon 2020)
NEWAIMS: New AntIMicrobials to starve Superbugs
ACP - Asthma Community Pharmacy Asthma Project - Therapy adherence and Community Pharmacy
Ager PROJECT Second Edition COMPETiTiVE Claims of Olive oil to iMProvE The market ValuE of the product
Development of a new model for integrated epidemiological analysis of drug-abuse in sports
Molecular, pharmacological and functional characterization of the receptors for obestatin, a peptide coded by the ghrelin gene, in muscle satellite cells: in vitro ed in vivo studies for a novel potential therapeutical approach in the treatment of skeletal muscle pathologies
Research of a new antitumor compounds active against chemo-resistant tumors
Barbara Rolando The role of the Community Pharmacist in the management of headaches: a survey in Piedmont, Italy & Community pharmacies as epidemiological sentinels of headache: a first experience in Italy
TheraGnosis. For therapy and diagnosis. Slow the traffic down, turn the lights up: new P-glycoprotein inhibitors to block drug efflux from cancer cells and spark imaging in early neurodegeneration diagnosis
La Farmacia dei Servizi for the control of the chronic diseases: experimentation and transferability of an interventional model for the prevention of diabetes (type II) and COPD
Targeting Semaphorins to normalize the tumor vasculature and the immune system to block tumor progression
Old and emerging concepts on adrenal chromaffin cell stimulus-secretion coupling
Sviluppo ed applicazione di sensori elettrochimici per la determinazione di mercurio e metilmercurio in matrici ambientali ed alimentari
Altered excitation: inhibition balance in hippocampal neurons induced by mutations of L-type Ca2+ channels associated to forms of autism and mental retardation
Dissecting the endoplasmic reticulum-mitochondria network to reverse chemo-immunoresistance of cancer cells
Valorization of Italian OLive products through INnovative analytical tools- VIOLIN
Chiara Emilia Irma Cordero
Prof.ssa Ornella ABOLLINO Dissecting post-squalene cholesterol pathway and related disorders to make druggable Hedgehog-dependent tumors - CONCLUDED
Optimization of Oncology Therapy: Novel Drugs Affecting Multi Drug Resistance - CONCLUDED
Barbara Rolando Oxidosqualene cyclase inhibitors as potential ipocholesterolemic, antifungal or antiprotozoaric drugs - CONCLUDED
Semaphorin 3A and 3F: new tools to normalize the tumor vasculature and to halt metastasis formation - CONCLUDED
Study of New NO-Donor Compounds for the Potential Treatment of Glaucoma and Ocular Hypertension - CONCLUDED
Loretta Lazzarato
Barbara Rolando Synthesis and Characterization of New Photosensibilizer NO-donors for Photodynamic therapy application - CONCLUDED
Loretta Lazzarato Toxicity studies of new nanomaterials designed for nanomedicine or other industrial applications - CONCLUDED
Development of computational methods to predict protein succination
Development of immuno-mediated pharmacotherapy models for melanoma
Calcium channels controlling pacemaking and exocytosis in chromaffin cells (UNITO ex-60%) - CONCLUDED
Diamond microchips for drug-screening and biomedical applications (MICRODIBI) - CONCLUDED
Diamond-based biosensors for recording neuronal and neuroendocrine cell signals (FIRB-ATENEO) - CONCLUDED
Andrea Marcantoni Essenza del Territorio (OFFICINA AROMATARIA) - CONCLUDED
Chiara Emilia Irma Cordero
Patrizia Rubiolo
Barbara Sgorbini Essenza del territorio. Una rete per le vie sabaude dei profumi e dei sapori (LAGNASCO) - CONCLUDED
Maria Laura Colombo
Chiara Emilia Irma Cordero
Patrizia Rubiolo
Barbara Sgorbini MEA recordings in hippocampal networks: alterations induced by hypoxia (HYPOXIA) - CONCLUDED
Rapid screening to detect illicit treatment with beta-agonists (BE-FREE) - CONCLUDED
Scaffale Diabete e Dislipidemia, vademecum for the health professional - CONCLUDED
Sonodynamic therapy: high energy shock waves and porphyrin compounds for treatment of solid tumors (SWP)
Synaptic plasticity and ion channels remodelling in hippocampus during stress (PRIN-MIUR) - CONCLUDED
In vivo sonodynamic therapy: evaluation of cavitation effects on cancer tissue with innovative sonosensitizers - CONCLUDED
Microwave, Acoustic and Plasma assisted SYNtheses (MAPSYN) - CONCLUDED
Production of HAZELNUTS OIL with high nutritional value - CORYLOX - CONCLUDED
Development of oxidic and polymeric materials for stimuli responsive applications (OXYPOLISTI) - CONCLUDED
Elena Ugazio Innovative nanosized theranostic agents: design, preparation and preclinical in vivo validation (INTA) - CONCLUDED
Translational Kinase Tumor Inhibitor Discovery Consortium (TAKTIC) - CONCLUDED
Preparation and Uses of Targeted Nanoparticles for Drug Delivery