Innovazione Tecnologica, Automazione e nuovi Controlli Analitici (ITACA)
Maria Laura Colombo
Chiara Emilia Irma Cordero
Patrizia Rubiolo
Barbara Sgorbini
Aree / Gruppi di ricerca
Partecipanti al progetto
- Bicchi Carlo (Docente)
- Cagliero Cecilia Lucia (Ricercatore/trice)
- Colombo Maria Laura (Docente)
- Cordero Chiara Emilia Irma (Docente)
- Liberto Erica (Ricercatore/trice)
- Rubiolo Patrizia (Docente)
- Sgorbini Barbara (Docente)
Descrizione del progetto
Agroinnova - Centre of Competence for the innovation in the agro-environmental field
Ferrero SpA
GBV Impianti Srl
La Gentile Srl
Lavazza SpA
Millbo SpA
Monte Regale
Politecnico of Turin
Piattaforma Agroalimentare della Regione Piemonte 2009, POR-FESR ‘‘Competitività regionale e occupazione’’ 2007/2013, Asse 1, Misura I.1.1, ‘‘Piattaforme innovative’’ of the Piedmont Region (Italy)
Main aim of the project is to develop innovative methods for food quality and safety monitoring through advanced techniques. Thanks to the strong connection between Food Industries and University research novel protocols for food processing have been developed mainly focusing on improving the final quality and safety of high-value Piedmontese matrices: hazelnuts (Corylus avellana L.), rice (Oryza sativa L.) and coffee (Coffea arabica).
The PHYTO&FOOD CHEM group of DSTF is involved in the development of reliable and validated analytical methods for fast, automated and on-line monitoring of chemical markers of quality (key-aroma compounds, technological indicators and botanical tracers) and safety (process contaminants: furan and acrylamide).
Advanced analytical platforms adopted include: 1) Gas Chromatography with Mass Spectrometry detection (GC-MS and GC×GC-MS) for targeted and un-targeted profiling;
2) Mass Spectrometry-based Electronic Noses (MS-EN) for on-line monitoring of technological processes;
3) Enantio Selective GC-MS for chiral recognition, i.e., enantiomer separation and enantiomeric excess (ee) or ratio (er) determination for those markers that can play a strategic role in sample authentication and quality assessment.
4) High Concentration Capacity (HCC) sample preparation techniques such as: Solid Phase Microextraction - SPME, Stir Bar Sorptive Extraction - SBSE and Headspace Sorptive Extraction – HSSE.
Food quality assessment, Food analysis, Advanced analytical techniques, Technological transfer, On-line process monitoring, Optimization of food processing methods, Mass Spectrometry-based Electronic Noses, Multidimensional chromatography