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Ultrasound-assisted eco-sustainable process for extra virgin olive oil production chain

The course is organized by University of Turin (Dipartimento di Scienza e Tecnologia del Farmaco) in the context of the
EIT Food project PHENOILs.

EIT Food is Europe’s leading food innovation initiative, working to make the food system more sustainable, healthy and trusted.

Programs and content

The on line course is free of charge, it will be hosted by University of Turin on Moodle platform and available from the 20th December 2021.
Subscriptions are open till 31st January 2022.

Complete this form with compulsory data, you will receive an e-mail with the necessary information to attend the course.

For details, do not hesitate to contact:,

At the end of the course, after having completed a short-test, you could ask for a Certicate of Attendance.

Further information about the project

Due anni di progetto europeo (ITA)

Access the contents Contents will be available from 20 th of december at 2:00 p.m.                                                           

Ultimo aggiornamento: 21/12/2022 15:26
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