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Mass Spectrometry School Edition III



3rd GC×GC MS Virtual School | Sic et simpliciter
July the 22nd 2020 14:00 CET
Live Webinar



Theory and Practice about comprehensive two-dimensional gas chromatography coupled to mass spectrometry - GC×GC-MS.

The Live Webinar introduces the Practical School that due to the Covid pandemic was not organized this year at the University of Turin.
The Virtual School is free of charge - The number of participants has no limits

Subscribe at the link (copy the entire string):
UniTO Collaboration facility: Webex Events –the link will be sent a few days before the event to all registered participants

The 3rd GC×GC MS Virtual School is organized by DSM the Mass Spectrometry Division - Italian Chemical Society with the University of Turin (Dipartimento di Scienza e Tecnologia del Farmaco) and the technical and scientific support of Agilent Technologies and SRA Intruments. The Virtual School has the patronage of the Interdivisional Group of Food Chemistry - Italian Chemical Society and shares topics within the EU platform "JPI a healthy diet for a healthy life".
The Virtual School provides theoretical skills about the principles of the GC×GC and illustrates the most popular instrumental solutions for thermal and differential-flow modulation.

Mass spectrometry analysers and data processing software tools will be also introduced. Application fields where the technique express its full potential (petroleomics, food metabolomics and food contamination) will be briefly discussed to show, in practice, the change of perspective offered by the introduction of multiple analytical dimensions in chemical analysis.
Attendees are analytical chemists (senior and junior) from Academia and Industry who are adopting GC-MS to explore the chemical complexity in their samples and want to go further.

Complete agenda of the day

Visit the archive of past editions of the School (in italian)

Get access to the contents of the virtual school, technical handouts included!


Ultimo aggiornamento: 23/07/2020 12:00
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